We currently have spaces available in Years 4 & 5. Our school features a 20m indoor heated pool, offering weekly swimming lessons for pupils. We provide full wraparound care on-site and offer approximately 20 extra-curricular clubs each term. If you would like to visit the school, please contact us.

Welcome to our school website!

At our school each child is valued and their unique set of skills and talents developed so that they can ‘be the best that they can be’. Our belief is that learning should be exciting and engaging. We want every child to leave our school ready for the next stage in their education and with a real appetite for learning.

We have high aspirations for every child that attends our school and a strong track record of achieving academic success. Equally, we ensure children at Bishop’s Waltham Junior are able to explore their full range of talents and interests.

Alongside a stimulating and varied curriculum, we offer a range of sporting, musical and artistic enrichment activities including successful sports clubs, drama productions and music concerts.

We place great emphasis on developing children’s personal skills and believe in the importance of developing kind, caring and respectful individuals. Behaviour in our school is very good and we offer children high quality care and pastoral support. We have strong systems in place to support children with additional learning needs and have a fully qualified Special Needs Co-ordinator on the staff team.

I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher of Bishop’s Waltham Junior School and of the children and staff who contribute so much to the life of the school.

If you would like to find out more about the school or to arrange a visit please do not hesitate to contact us.

Darren Campbell


A place where excellence, effort and happiness are valued in equal measure.   

Latest News

Year 3 Update - Friday 10th January 2025
10/01/2025 11:30 AM
Year 3 Update - Friday 10th January 2025

An Exciting Start to the Spring Term!


The Year 3 children have had a fantastic first week back, eagerly sharing stories from their Christmas holidays and enjoying being reunited with their friends. Their excitement for the term ahead is palpable, and we have lots of exciting learning planned!


A real highlight this term will be our study of The Iron Man. This captivating book will be the focus of our English lessons and will also inspire creative projects in Art – so stay tuned for updates on their amazing work!


In PE, like the other year groups, the children have begun their Gymnastics unit. This week, they explored how different parts of their bodies can be used to create a variety of balances, showing strength and creativity.


In Geography, we’re about to delve into the fascinating world of mountains and earthquakes. The children are excited to embark on this new topic and discover the wonders and forces of our natural world.


It’s been a brilliant first week, and while the children are now ready for a well-earned weekend break, we’re looking forward to the fantastic learning and adventures to come this term!

Year 6 Update – Friday 10th January 2025
10/01/2025 11:00 AM
Year 6 Update – Friday 10th January 2025

A Fantastic Start to 2025!


Our Year 6 children returned to school this week full of stories about their Christmas experiences, eager to dive into the exciting learning planned for this half term.


In English, the focus has been on biographies. Pupils have been examining their structure and features, using their teachers as the subjects of their study! In the weeks ahead, they will channel their learning into crafting biographies of famous figures – an exciting opportunity to showcase their creativity and writing skills.


In History, we’ve embarked on a captivating exploration of Ancient Greece, delving into the legacies of this remarkable civilization. The children are already enthralled by the fascinating discoveries they’ve made.


Our Computing lessons have seen pupils build on their prior knowledge of Scratch, progressing to programming and creating their own maze games. This hands-on learning is proving to be both challenging and rewarding.


In PE, gymnastics has taken center stage. This week, the children impressed us with their creativity and teamwork as they explored a variety of partner balances – demonstrating strength, coordination, and collaboration.


It’s been a fantastic start to 2025, and we’re so proud of the enthusiasm and effort shown by all the children. We look forward to a term filled with more learning, discovery, and success!

Year 4 Update: Friday 10th January 2025
10/01/2025 10:00 AM
Year 4 Update: Friday 10th January 2025

We cannot believe that we are now in 2025 and have been back at school for a whole week! Even though it is a distant memory, we hope that you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year and enjoyed your time together at home. The children all came back to school on Monday very excited to talk about their favourite presents and what they did over the holidays.


As always, we have another busy term coming up with lots of exciting units planned. In English and Guided Reading, we have started studying the book ‘The Butterfly Lion’ by Michael Morpurgo. The children are really enjoying it so far and are making great predictions about the story.


In Maths, we are finishing off our unit on geometry and have been looking at lines of symmetry and reflecting shapes over the mirror line. Next week, we are going back and revising and expanding our place value knowledge with measurement.


Our Science unit this term is ‘Living Things’ and we have begun this week by sorting animals with a range of criteria.


In PE, we are moving onto our gymnastics unit and children will learn a range of techniques and create their own sequence. Jackalberry and Ash and swimming this term on a Tuesday and Redwood are doing an extra PE lesson where we are aiming to improve our fitness.


We are looking forward to another great term.

Year 5 Update - Friday 10th January 2025
10/01/2025 11:30 AM
Year 5 Update - Friday 10th January 2025
Settling Back into Learning

The Year 5 team has been incredibly proud of how the children have returned to school and seamlessly settled back into their routines. It’s been a lovely first week, packed with exciting new learning.


In Geography, the children have started exploring France. Using atlases, they’ve been locating key features of the country and learning how to use 6-figure grid references accurately. In the coming weeks, they’ll study a specific French location in more detail and take part in an exciting French Day on Thursday, 16th January (details to follow soon!).


In Art, the focus is on George Seurat and his fascinating Pointillism technique. We can’t wait to see the children’s creativity come to life as they develop their own masterpieces inspired by his work.


In Maths, pupils have been tackling multi-step word problems, applying their knowledge of the four operations with compact methods – challenging work that they’ve approached with determination.


The highlight of the week, however, has been the start of the PE Gymnastics unit, where pupils have been working in pairs to explore and create partner shapes. Their teamwork and creativity have been fantastic to see!


We’re looking forward to a brilliant Spring Term ahead. Have a wonderful weekend!

Year 3 Update - Friday 10th January 2025
10/01/2025 11:30 AM
Year 3 Update - Friday 10th January 2025

An Exciting Start to the Spring Term!


The Year 3 children have had a fantastic first week back, eagerly sharing stories from their Christmas holidays and enjoying being reunited with their friends. Their excitement for the term ahead is palpable, and we have lots of exciting learning planned!


A real highlight this term will be our study of The Iron Man. This captivating book will be the focus of our English lessons and will also inspire creative projects in Art – so stay tuned for updates on their amazing work!


In PE, like the other year groups, the children have begun their Gymnastics unit. This week, they explored how different parts of their bodies can be used to create a variety of balances, showing strength and creativity.


In Geography, we’re about to delve into the fascinating world of mountains and earthquakes. The children are excited to embark on this new topic and discover the wonders and forces of our natural world.


It’s been a brilliant first week, and while the children are now ready for a well-earned weekend break, we’re looking forward to the fantastic learning and adventures to come this term!

Year 6 Update – Friday 10th January 2025
10/01/2025 11:00 AM
Year 6 Update – Friday 10th January 2025

A Fantastic Start to 2025!


Our Year 6 children returned to school this week full of stories about their Christmas experiences, eager to dive into the exciting learning planned for this half term.


In English, the focus has been on biographies. Pupils have been examining their structure and features, using their teachers as the subjects of their study! In the weeks ahead, they will channel their learning into crafting biographies of famous figures – an exciting opportunity to showcase their creativity and writing skills.


In History, we’ve embarked on a captivating exploration of Ancient Greece, delving into the legacies of this remarkable civilization. The children are already enthralled by the fascinating discoveries they’ve made.


Our Computing lessons have seen pupils build on their prior knowledge of Scratch, progressing to programming and creating their own maze games. This hands-on learning is proving to be both challenging and rewarding.


In PE, gymnastics has taken center stage. This week, the children impressed us with their creativity and teamwork as they explored a variety of partner balances – demonstrating strength, coordination, and collaboration.


It’s been a fantastic start to 2025, and we’re so proud of the enthusiasm and effort shown by all the children. We look forward to a term filled with more learning, discovery, and success!

Year 4 Update: Friday 10th January 2025
10/01/2025 10:00 AM
Year 4 Update: Friday 10th January 2025

We cannot believe that we are now in 2025 and have been back at school for a whole week! Even though it is a distant memory, we hope that you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year and enjoyed your time together at home. The children all came back to school on Monday very excited to talk about their favourite presents and what they did over the holidays.


As always, we have another busy term coming up with lots of exciting units planned. In English and Guided Reading, we have started studying the book ‘The Butterfly Lion’ by Michael Morpurgo. The children are really enjoying it so far and are making great predictions about the story.


In Maths, we are finishing off our unit on geometry and have been looking at lines of symmetry and reflecting shapes over the mirror line. Next week, we are going back and revising and expanding our place value knowledge with measurement.


Our Science unit this term is ‘Living Things’ and we have begun this week by sorting animals with a range of criteria.


In PE, we are moving onto our gymnastics unit and children will learn a range of techniques and create their own sequence. Jackalberry and Ash and swimming this term on a Tuesday and Redwood are doing an extra PE lesson where we are aiming to improve our fitness.


We are looking forward to another great term.

Year 5 Update - Friday 10th January 2025
10/01/2025 11:30 AM
Year 5 Update - Friday 10th January 2025
Settling Back into Learning

The Year 5 team has been incredibly proud of how the children have returned to school and seamlessly settled back into their routines. It’s been a lovely first week, packed with exciting new learning.


In Geography, the children have started exploring France. Using atlases, they’ve been locating key features of the country and learning how to use 6-figure grid references accurately. In the coming weeks, they’ll study a specific French location in more detail and take part in an exciting French Day on Thursday, 16th January (details to follow soon!).


In Art, the focus is on George Seurat and his fascinating Pointillism technique. We can’t wait to see the children’s creativity come to life as they develop their own masterpieces inspired by his work.


In Maths, pupils have been tackling multi-step word problems, applying their knowledge of the four operations with compact methods – challenging work that they’ve approached with determination.


The highlight of the week, however, has been the start of the PE Gymnastics unit, where pupils have been working in pairs to explore and create partner shapes. Their teamwork and creativity have been fantastic to see!


We’re looking forward to a brilliant Spring Term ahead. Have a wonderful weekend!

Year 3 Update - Friday 10th January 2025
10/01/2025 11:30 AM
Year 3 Update - Friday 10th January 2025

An Exciting Start to the Spring Term!


The Year 3 children have had a fantastic first week back, eagerly sharing stories from their Christmas holidays and enjoying being reunited with their friends. Their excitement for the term ahead is palpable, and we have lots of exciting learning planned!


A real highlight this term will be our study of The Iron Man. This captivating book will be the focus of our English lessons and will also inspire creative projects in Art – so stay tuned for updates on their amazing work!


In PE, like the other year groups, the children have begun their Gymnastics unit. This week, they explored how different parts of their bodies can be used to create a variety of balances, showing strength and creativity.


In Geography, we’re about to delve into the fascinating world of mountains and earthquakes. The children are excited to embark on this new topic and discover the wonders and forces of our natural world.


It’s been a brilliant first week, and while the children are now ready for a well-earned weekend break, we’re looking forward to the fantastic learning and adventures to come this term!

Year 6 Update – Friday 10th January 2025
10/01/2025 11:00 AM
Year 6 Update – Friday 10th January 2025

A Fantastic Start to 2025!


Our Year 6 children returned to school this week full of stories about their Christmas experiences, eager to dive into the exciting learning planned for this half term.


In English, the focus has been on biographies. Pupils have been examining their structure and features, using their teachers as the subjects of their study! In the weeks ahead, they will channel their learning into crafting biographies of famous figures – an exciting opportunity to showcase their creativity and writing skills.


In History, we’ve embarked on a captivating exploration of Ancient Greece, delving into the legacies of this remarkable civilization. The children are already enthralled by the fascinating discoveries they’ve made.


Our Computing lessons have seen pupils build on their prior knowledge of Scratch, progressing to programming and creating their own maze games. This hands-on learning is proving to be both challenging and rewarding.


In PE, gymnastics has taken center stage. This week, the children impressed us with their creativity and teamwork as they explored a variety of partner balances – demonstrating strength, coordination, and collaboration.


It’s been a fantastic start to 2025, and we’re so proud of the enthusiasm and effort shown by all the children. We look forward to a term filled with more learning, discovery, and success!

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