January 3rd
"Yvonne Charlton started today.” (David Porter's logbook).
January 11th
“A meeting was held in the evening to discuss the possibility of forming a ‘Friend’s Association’. Thirty people turned up, but discounting Governors, staff, etc, only six families were represented. Decided to go ahead and draw up a constitution and reconvene the meeting.” (David Porter's logbook).
February 14th
"Interviews for the vacancy caused by Margaret Sprunt leaving… Mrs Gill Cooper was offered the job, and will take up her appointment in September.” (David Porter's logbook).
March 6th
“In the morning we held a technology fair, in order to select entries for the Southampton Tech Fair on Saturday. The children put a tremendous amount of effort into their progress.” (David Porter's logbook).
March 14th
"A meeting of parents was called to formally approve the Friend’s constitution. Forty parents attended, even though the evening was shocking with high winds and rain. A committee is now underway.” (David Porter's logbook).
April 22nd
“A celebration of the Swimming Pool’s 10th Anniversary. A super afternoon – pool open for free swim, a demonstration of personal survival skills, a buffet tea, and lots of visitors and guests. John Watts (former headteacher) attended and was thanked for his forward thinking and enthusiasm for building the pool.” (David Porter's logbook).
June 8th
“Eric Smith – Deputy Area Education Officer, visited to discuss a grant for building developments. Main areas looked at – building a retaining wall on the playground to hold back the banking which is being eroded, and the transformation of the library area. A grant of £2000 given.” (David Porter's logbook).
July 20th
“The Friend’s Association (F.O.R.S.A.) organised the first disco for the pupils. Well attended, particularly well supervised. A success all round.” (David Porter's logbook).
July 25th
“Yvonne Charlton leaves today… Gill Cooper starts in September.” (David Porter's logbook).
September 4th
“Welcomed Gill Cooper. She will be a tremendous acquisition to the staff. Full of enthusiasm and commitment.” (David Porter's logbook).
October 13th
"In the evening there was a social get together with Governors, staff and parents gathering to say “Goodbye and Thank you” to Sheila Batchelor (retiring after 17 years at the school.” (David Porter's logbook).
October 19th
“Interviews to replace Sheila Batchelor. Three candidates called. Mrs Janet Young who co-ordinates special needs at Meadowlands Middle School has been appointed.” (David Porter's logbook).
December 2nd
“Christmas Fayre – fantastic effort. School well decorated. Plenty of stalls and activities. Loads of goodwill and happy helpers. Very many customers. Well over £1000 raised. Marvellous.” (David Porter's logbook).
December 4th
“The library had a carpet laid and is ready for the new shelves to be delivered. It is giving a much more welcoming feel to the school.” (David Porter's logbook).
December 12th
“The choir sang at the Christmas Street Fair held in Bishop’s Waltham. A very festive and happy occasion.” (David Porter's logbook).
December 19th
"The choir went to the Jubilee Hall to sing to senior citizens… in the evening, the School’s Carol Service was held at St Peter’s. A lovely end of term occasion. Superb singing, reading ad recorder playing.” (David Porter's logbook).
December 20th
“The Friend’s Assosciation held an excellent disco for the children. This, in addition to class parties certainly gave the children plenty of enjoyment at the end of term.”
David Porter (Headteacher)
Dennis Owen (Deputy Head)
Ann Tromans
Jacqui Clift
Sue Palmer
Sam Woodhouse
Dave Allington
Sheila Batchelor (until October)
Pat Fletcher
Sylvia Bondsfield
Yvonne Charlton (January - July)
Gill Cooper (from September)
Gill Blundell (from October)
Eva Boston
Trish Simpson-Davis
Liz Channon (secretary)
June Harding (secretary)
Derek Parrington (caretaker)
Edna Parrington (cleaner)
Carol (cleaner)