At Bishop’s Waltham Junior School the health, safety and well-being of every child is our top priority.


Physical Education


National Curriculum Aims for PE

The National Curriculum for Physical Education aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives.


Physical Education at Bishop's Waltham Junior School


  • Develop a broad range of skills in a variety of different sports
  • Understand the importance of sustained physical activity, specifically focusing on the positive effects exercise has on the body as well as mind
  • Have experience of competing in different team games as well as individual competitions with the intention of developing their communication and collaborative skills
  • Understand the importance of sportsmanship, knowing that taking part and contributing to a game or match is an important part of any sport
  • Develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports across lower and upper key stage two
  • Learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success in a variety of sports



  • Using the PE Hub plans, the subject leader has mapped out a 4 year curriculum to ensure the units of work that are taught include a variety of sports which includes a clear skills progression which is built on year by year
  • All teachers actively engage in the PE lessons, utilising the high quality plans, adapting these according to the needs within their classes. Regular discussion with the PE lead about how to differentiate appropriately to ensure children are supported and challenged within each session so that all lessons are accessible and engaging
  • A regular audit of PE equipment is carried out, ensuring all children have access to ‘1 each’ of the equipment needed for each session. This ensures children are engaged at all times of the lesson
  • Every session integrates an element of competition to allow all children to apply the skills they have been practising in a competitive situation. This leads to a larger competitive game/performance at the end of each unit of work, allowing the children to put their skills into practise



  • Enjoy playing a variety of different sports with an increased number of children joining extra-curricular clubs to develop their skills further
  • A greater proportion of children will have developed competency within a variety of sports allowing them to be picked for inter-school competitions
  • Children use sport as a way of maintaining their physical and mental wellbeing
  • An initial assessment is carried out at the start of a new unit of work, based on attitudes towards a specific sport, and repeated at the end of a unit – an increased number of children show a positive attitude towards the sport based on the lessons they have been taught

Our Curriculum Overview


Year Three

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Tennis Gymnastics Fundamentals




Year Four

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Tennis Gymnastics Fundamentals




Year Five

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Tag Rugby Gymnastics Athletics




Year Six

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Tag Rugby Gymnastics Athletics





Swimming is taught throughout the year in every year group at BWJS.  The planning which we follow is based on ability and confidence rather than age.     

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Non-Swimmer & Beginner Improving Improving Advanced Advanced




Regular Swimming Opportunity

The children at BWJS are very lucky to be able to have access to a swimming pool every week (some year groups swim every other week) and to be taught high quality swimming lessons each week too.  The National Curriculum states that pupils should be taught to:

  • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres 
  • use a range of strokes effectively 
  • perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. 

The swimming lessons are planned from the ASA Schemes of Work and are based on a 10 week unit of work with continuous assessment carried out throughout the unit of work.  These assessment documents are then sent up to the next year group to ensure skills development in swimming across Key Stage 2.  As the children become more confident in the water, their swimming skills develop and there is scope for Personal Survival lessons to be taught within the summer term.  In addition, the children take part in a year group swimming gala in the summer term to showcase their swimming skills.  In keeping with the new National Curriculum, this also allows the children to take part in the competitive nature of swimming.


Sports clubs at Bishop's Waltham Junior School

We offer a wide range of before and after school sports clubs for our children to join and some of our clubs have links with community clubs in the area who help us with coaching expertise. Some of our clubs run throughout the year whilst others offer a termly course.

Matches in football, netball, cross country, cricket and rounders are played against other schools in the area and we also travel across the cnty when we enter county tournaments. We host the district athletics track events every year and attend the district netball and football rallies at local pyramid schools.

Our school swimming squads train at two early morning sessions every week. Children from years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are invited to attend and have the chance of competing in galas against other schools. We compete in the Winchester schools gala and the English Primary Schools gala every year. Our teams have won the Hampshire rounds of this competition on many occasions and have then competed against schools from central southern England.


The National Curriculum for Physical Education

National Curriculum - Physical Education


At Bishop’s Waltham Junior School the health, safety and well-being of every child is our top priority.


Physical Education


National Curriculum Aims for PE

The National Curriculum for Physical Education aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives.


Physical Education at Bishop's Waltham Junior School


  • Develop a broad range of skills in a variety of different sports
  • Understand the importance of sustained physical activity, specifically focusing on the positive effects exercise has on the body as well as mind
  • Have experience of competing in different team games as well as individual competitions with the intention of developing their communication and collaborative skills
  • Understand the importance of sportsmanship, knowing that taking part and contributing to a game or match is an important part of any sport
  • Develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports across lower and upper key stage two
  • Learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success in a variety of sports



  • Using the PE Hub plans, the subject leader has mapped out a 4 year curriculum to ensure the units of work that are taught include a variety of sports which includes a clear skills progression which is built on year by year
  • All teachers actively engage in the PE lessons, utilising the high quality plans, adapting these according to the needs within their classes. Regular discussion with the PE lead about how to differentiate appropriately to ensure children are supported and challenged within each session so that all lessons are accessible and engaging
  • A regular audit of PE equipment is carried out, ensuring all children have access to ‘1 each’ of the equipment needed for each session. This ensures children are engaged at all times of the lesson
  • Every session integrates an element of competition to allow all children to apply the skills they have been practising in a competitive situation. This leads to a larger competitive game/performance at the end of each unit of work, allowing the children to put their skills into practise



  • Enjoy playing a variety of different sports with an increased number of children joining extra-curricular clubs to develop their skills further
  • A greater proportion of children will have developed competency within a variety of sports allowing them to be picked for inter-school competitions
  • Children use sport as a way of maintaining their physical and mental wellbeing
  • An initial assessment is carried out at the start of a new unit of work, based on attitudes towards a specific sport, and repeated at the end of a unit – an increased number of children show a positive attitude towards the sport based on the lessons they have been taught

Our Curriculum Overview


Year Three

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Tennis Gymnastics Fundamentals




Year Four

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Tennis Gymnastics Fundamentals




Year Five

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Tag Rugby Gymnastics Athletics




Year Six

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Tag Rugby Gymnastics Athletics





Swimming is taught throughout the year in every year group at BWJS.  The planning which we follow is based on ability and confidence rather than age.     

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Non-Swimmer & Beginner Improving Improving Advanced Advanced




Regular Swimming Opportunity

The children at BWJS are very lucky to be able to have access to a swimming pool every week (some year groups swim every other week) and to be taught high quality swimming lessons each week too.  The National Curriculum states that pupils should be taught to:

  • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres 
  • use a range of strokes effectively 
  • perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. 

The swimming lessons are planned from the ASA Schemes of Work and are based on a 10 week unit of work with continuous assessment carried out throughout the unit of work.  These assessment documents are then sent up to the next year group to ensure skills development in swimming across Key Stage 2.  As the children become more confident in the water, their swimming skills develop and there is scope for Personal Survival lessons to be taught within the summer term.  In addition, the children take part in a year group swimming gala in the summer term to showcase their swimming skills.  In keeping with the new National Curriculum, this also allows the children to take part in the competitive nature of swimming.


Sports clubs at Bishop's Waltham Junior School

We offer a wide range of before and after school sports clubs for our children to join and some of our clubs have links with community clubs in the area who help us with coaching expertise. Some of our clubs run throughout the year whilst others offer a termly course.

Matches in football, netball, cross country, cricket and rounders are played against other schools in the area and we also travel across the cnty when we enter county tournaments. We host the district athletics track events every year and attend the district netball and football rallies at local pyramid schools.

Our school swimming squads train at two early morning sessions every week. Children from years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are invited to attend and have the chance of competing in galas against other schools. We compete in the Winchester schools gala and the English Primary Schools gala every year. Our teams have won the Hampshire rounds of this competition on many occasions and have then competed against schools from central southern England.


The National Curriculum for Physical Education

National Curriculum - Physical Education


At Bishop’s Waltham Junior School the health, safety and well-being of every child is our top priority.


Physical Education


National Curriculum Aims for PE

The National Curriculum for Physical Education aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives.


Physical Education at Bishop's Waltham Junior School


  • Develop a broad range of skills in a variety of different sports
  • Understand the importance of sustained physical activity, specifically focusing on the positive effects exercise has on the body as well as mind
  • Have experience of competing in different team games as well as individual competitions with the intention of developing their communication and collaborative skills
  • Understand the importance of sportsmanship, knowing that taking part and contributing to a game or match is an important part of any sport
  • Develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports across lower and upper key stage two
  • Learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success in a variety of sports



  • Using the PE Hub plans, the subject leader has mapped out a 4 year curriculum to ensure the units of work that are taught include a variety of sports which includes a clear skills progression which is built on year by year
  • All teachers actively engage in the PE lessons, utilising the high quality plans, adapting these according to the needs within their classes. Regular discussion with the PE lead about how to differentiate appropriately to ensure children are supported and challenged within each session so that all lessons are accessible and engaging
  • A regular audit of PE equipment is carried out, ensuring all children have access to ‘1 each’ of the equipment needed for each session. This ensures children are engaged at all times of the lesson
  • Every session integrates an element of competition to allow all children to apply the skills they have been practising in a competitive situation. This leads to a larger competitive game/performance at the end of each unit of work, allowing the children to put their skills into practise



  • Enjoy playing a variety of different sports with an increased number of children joining extra-curricular clubs to develop their skills further
  • A greater proportion of children will have developed competency within a variety of sports allowing them to be picked for inter-school competitions
  • Children use sport as a way of maintaining their physical and mental wellbeing
  • An initial assessment is carried out at the start of a new unit of work, based on attitudes towards a specific sport, and repeated at the end of a unit – an increased number of children show a positive attitude towards the sport based on the lessons they have been taught

Our Curriculum Overview


Year Three

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Tennis Gymnastics Fundamentals




Year Four

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Tennis Gymnastics Fundamentals




Year Five

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Tag Rugby Gymnastics Athletics




Year Six

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Tag Rugby Gymnastics Athletics





Swimming is taught throughout the year in every year group at BWJS.  The planning which we follow is based on ability and confidence rather than age.     

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
Non-Swimmer & Beginner Improving Improving Advanced Advanced




Regular Swimming Opportunity

The children at BWJS are very lucky to be able to have access to a swimming pool every week (some year groups swim every other week) and to be taught high quality swimming lessons each week too.  The National Curriculum states that pupils should be taught to:

  • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres 
  • use a range of strokes effectively 
  • perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. 

The swimming lessons are planned from the ASA Schemes of Work and are based on a 10 week unit of work with continuous assessment carried out throughout the unit of work.  These assessment documents are then sent up to the next year group to ensure skills development in swimming across Key Stage 2.  As the children become more confident in the water, their swimming skills develop and there is scope for Personal Survival lessons to be taught within the summer term.  In addition, the children take part in a year group swimming gala in the summer term to showcase their swimming skills.  In keeping with the new National Curriculum, this also allows the children to take part in the competitive nature of swimming.


Sports clubs at Bishop's Waltham Junior School

We offer a wide range of before and after school sports clubs for our children to join and some of our clubs have links with community clubs in the area who help us with coaching expertise. Some of our clubs run throughout the year whilst others offer a termly course.

Matches in football, netball, cross country, cricket and rounders are played against other schools in the area and we also travel across the cnty when we enter county tournaments. We host the district athletics track events every year and attend the district netball and football rallies at local pyramid schools.

Our school swimming squads train at two early morning sessions every week. Children from years 3, 4, 5 and 6 are invited to attend and have the chance of competing in galas against other schools. We compete in the Winchester schools gala and the English Primary Schools gala every year. Our teams have won the Hampshire rounds of this competition on many occasions and have then competed against schools from central southern England.


The National Curriculum for Physical Education

National Curriculum - Physical Education
