January 30th
“The five Upper School classes visited the ‘Mary Rose’ at Portsmouth.” (David Porter's log book)
[This would later become a regular trip for Year Four.]
February 5th
“A group of children had a fund raising day, making money for the ‘Blue Peter – children’s relief appeal, over £34 raised.” (David Porter's log book)
March 7th
“Monica Carter – prospective Supply Teacher came to look around the school.” (David Porter's log book)
March 22nd
“Interior decoration of the school completed. Now whole school has been done within the last 3 years. The exterior now nearing completion with the insulating panels to be fitted.” (David Porter's log book)
May 24th
“Super-schools visited with the fund-raising event. Lots of activity. Super trampoline display by Andrew Holmes.” (David Porter's log book)
July 5th
"Friend’s Association Bar-be-que. Beautiful, warm evening. Lots of visitors, games organised and run by the children, and a superb atmosphere.” (David Porter's log book)
December 16th
“Informal presentation of Christmas Celebration for Infants and the local Senior Citizens. All went well except that Mary forgot Jesus!” (David Porter's log book)
David Porter (Headteacher)
Gen Marsh (Deputy Head)
Ann Tromans
Jacqui Clift
Sue Palmer
Dave Allington
Pat Fletcher
Gill Cooper
Gill Blundell
Jan Brook
Janet Young
Eva Boston
Carol Marchant
Shelia Rickman
Julie Blake
Jackie Tredré
Crys Smith
Jill Therkelsen
Brenda O’Donovan
Leslie McLay
Liz Channon (Administration officer)
June Harding (Assistant administration officer)