Get Healthy Week: On Monday an assembly for children launches the week’s activities. Cooks from the HC3S catering service are coming to talk to children and give some tasters of the new healthy meals initiative… we would like all children to try a different piece of fruit each day… children will have the chance to design healthy snack recipes. The best ones will be chosen and prepared for the school to taste. [School newsletter].
April 21st
As you will have already noticed the builders are working at the front of the school. This work, which is an extension to the staff room, will be continuing for several weeks. [School newsletter].
July 17th
As we come to the end of yet another school year we would like to say farewell to Mr Bennett who has been working with Year 5. Mr Bennett has a new job in Southampton and we wish him every success.
We also send our congratulations to Miss Beaney who is getting married in the holidays and when she returns in September will be Mrs Philips. [School newsletter].
November 22nd
Christmas Performance: Scrooge. This year we are performing at the Jubilee Hall and would like to invite everyone to come along whether or not your child is performing. It should prove to be an excellent way to get into the Christmas spirit. [School newsletter].
Eric Halton (Headteacher)
Gen Marsh (Deputy Head)
Gill Cooper
Monica Carter
Lynne Hope
Harriet Manchester
Elizabeth Rye
Sarah Martin
Katy Rogers
Katie Beaney (then Katie Philips)
Jon Senior
Jo Sudbury
Nick Bennett (from April to July)
Dan Tuckey (from September to December)
Jackie Tredré
Julie Hopgood
Leslie McLay
Debbie Barclay
Jeannette Mars
Debbie Simpson
Julie Johnson
Karen Langston
Hannah Broomer
Claire Davey
Sarah May-Miller
Liz Channon (Administration officer)
June Harding (Assistant administration officer)
Debbie Holley (Assistant administration officer)
Graham Newton (caretaker)
Susan Stoop (cleaner)
Sharon Burt (cleaner)
Sam Baldwin (librarian & technician)