16th January
Over the past few weeks the library has undergone somewhat of a makeover. The schools resident professional artists, Simmi and Gen, have been busy illustrating the walls with well-known book characters. The pupils came up with the list of characters (including Harry Potter, BFG and Matilda) and, both Simmi and Gen have used their painting expertise to create the fantastic masterpiece.
20th March
So… the Solar Eclipse was a bit of a no-show where we were today, but we made the best of it…
22nd May
Many of our children recently took part in a writing competition run by Young Writers. The competition involved writing a story in no more than 100 words - quite a challenge!
Today we received a letter from the organiser, congratulating twelve of our children as their stories have been chosen to be published in a children's story book called 'Once Upon A Time - Tales From Hampshire.' The books will be on sale from September. Once the book has been published, the school is also automatically entered into a further competition for 'best school' with prizes ranging from £1000 to £250, so fingers crossed!
22nd June
On Monday 22nd June, pupils at BWJS got to witness a medieval sword fight during a special whole school assembly. Heidi Isa (BW Market Towns Development Officer) and her team of battlefield re-enactors were in school to promote the forthcoming celebration of the ‘Battle of Agincourt.’ For those non-historians amongst you – King Henry V came to stay in Bishop’s Waltham on his way to the battle almost 600 years ago.
2nd July
Our boys’ medley ( mixed stroke) swimming team travelled to Sheffield at the end of June to represent the South East of England in the National Swimming Championships for Primary Schools. It was an amazing experience for them to compete at Ponds Forge pool against the best swimming schools from all over England.We travelled up on the Friday and stayed overnight in a city centre hotel before making our way to the pool on Saturday morning.
30th September
Year 5 children had a wonderful trip today, travelling on the steam train from Alresford to Alton. They all looked superbly dressed in clothing of the era. The photographs reflect their empathy for evacuees leaving their families and homes as they sought safety in the countryside… hence the sad faces on the outward journey!
15th December
We gathered together in the hall after break today to watch the launch of Tim Peake’s space mission as he took off from Kazakhstan along with two other astronauts on a journey to the International Space Station. Tim Peake will be the first British astronaut to visit the ISS, and while he is there he will be looking after some seeds to see how their development is affected by zero gravity.
Excitingly, next year, we at BWJS will be receiving some of these seeds which we will then be able to monitor ourselves!
Darren Cambell (Headteacher)
Katherine Daniels
Lynne Hope (until July)
Elizabeth Rye (until July)
Katy Zillwood
Katie Philips (until July)
Jon Senior
Jo Milne
Lucy Pearmain
Lesley Peach
Shelly Arnold
Rebecca Chase
Tessa Senior
Daniel Boyes (until July)
Patrick McKenna
Anita Glasspool
Martin Geraghty (from September)
Laura Mrozinski (from September)
Debbie Barclay
Jeannette Mars
Debbie Simpson
Julie Johnson
Claire Davey
Wendy Harris
Andrea Amos
Chris Fickling
Jo-Anna Bradley
Chris Ekless (from January)
Gill Cooper
Sam Baldwin (Administration officer)
Debbie Holley (Assistant administration officer)
Karen Langston (Assistant administration officer)
Graham Newton (site manager)