
We use the internet in lots of different ways.

To Enquire

We use the internet to find things out, and to learn new things.  Sometimes, we are told where to look for information.  We might go to a particular website, or we might visit bwjsapps, our online collection of tools.  On bwjsapps, we can find activities and information provided by our teachers.  This helps us learn more about the work we are doing in school.  

To Communicate

We can also use the internet to communicate with others.  In school, we can do this through bwjsapps.  In bwjsapps, we can take part in discussions and chats with other people.  We can also send each other private messages.

When we are online, we need to treat each other like we would face to face.  We need to remember this rule if we use other methods of online communicate outside school.

To Have Fun

We can also use the internet to have fun.  On the internet, we can look at pictures, watch videos, listen to music, and play games.  We can do some of these things on Wizkid, but there are lots of other websites we can visit as well.


Staying Safe

The internet is a fantastic resource for enquiry, communication and fun.  Sometimes, however, the internet can get in the way of these things.  We need to remember these simple rules so that our use of the internet isn’t spoiled.

Zip It

When you’re online, always keep your personal stuff private and think about what you say and do.  Remember that people online may not be who they say they are. Online friends are still strangers even if you have been talking to them for a long time.


Don’t share personal information with people online. This includes:

  • your full name
  • photos
  • addresses
  • school information
  • telephone numbers
  • places you like to spend time


When you use chat rooms or instant messenger, use a nickname instead of your

real name.


When you are using bwjsapps, you will always know for sure who you are communicating with.  However, you should still follow these rules.  If you need to share personal information with a friend, do it face to face.  Don’t share your username or password with other people.

Block It

Think about blocking people who send you nasty messages and don’t open unknown links and attachments.


Always delete emails from people you don’t know, and don’t open attachments from people you don’t know. They might be nasty or contain a virus that can stop your computer working.


If someone is mean or sends nasty messages online, block them.


When we use the internet in school, we shouldn’t be able to see anything upsetting.  If you see anything you think isn’t right, let your teacher know straight away.

Flag It

If you see anything that upsets you online or if someone asks to meet you, flag it up with someone you trust.


If you see something on Wizkid that upsets you, let your teacher know straight away.  They will be able to find the information and deal with the problem.


If you see something on another website, tell a parent or an adult you trust and they can help you. If you want to talk to someone else, you can call Childline on 0800 1111.


If someone you know is being nasty to someone online, speak to a parent or trusted adult about it.


If a friend you have made online asks to meet you in the offline world, talk to your parents or a trusted adult about it. You should never meet up with someone you have met online without an adult going with you because it is dangerous.


If you ever need further advice on Internet Safety, or you have a problem outside school to report, click the CEOP button.

Every year, we talk through issues of E-Safety with our children, and we ask them to sign our Internet Acceptable Use policy.  This policy can be read here.  A fuller version which covers more general ICT use can be read here.


We also have a comprehensive E-Safety policy in place which covers all aspects of the topic.  This can be read here.


If you want to know more about social media, we have a guide which you can download here.   

Online safety help and advice

(Supplied by Hampshire Constabulary)


There are many websites offering information and support on internet safety, both for young people and adults. Here are some of them:

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre
CEOP is the UK's national police agency for protecting young people online. You can get help and advice on a range of subjects and can report directly to CEOP if you are worried about someone's behaviour towards you online.  

Think U Know
Thinkuknow is run by CEOP and has information for young people between the ages of 5 and 16, parents and resources for professionals to teach internet safety.

Advice for parents, professionals and young people on the signs of sexual exploitation and how to keep safe.

A site from Childnet International with all sorts of information about being smart online.

Chat Danger
This site explains how to stay safe in different forms of online chat, including mobiles, internet messenger and gaming.

Get Safe Online
A site explaining the basics of safe surfing, including how to protect your PC and avoiding internet crime.  

The Internet Watch Foundation
The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) operates the UK Internet Hotline for the public to report criminal online content in a secure and confidential way. The Hotline service can be used anonymously.  

Information and advice in relation to parental control software.

Other support

ChildLine is the free helpline and online service for children and young people in the UK. Children and young people can call 0800 1111 or visit to talk to a trained counsellor about any problem, or talk to other young people on the message boards.   

CyberMentors is all about young people helping and supporting each other online. If you're being bullied or are troubled by something, CyberMentors is where you can go for help.


We use the internet in lots of different ways.

To Enquire

We use the internet to find things out, and to learn new things.  Sometimes, we are told where to look for information.  We might go to a particular website, or we might visit bwjsapps, our online collection of tools.  On bwjsapps, we can find activities and information provided by our teachers.  This helps us learn more about the work we are doing in school.  

To Communicate

We can also use the internet to communicate with others.  In school, we can do this through bwjsapps.  In bwjsapps, we can take part in discussions and chats with other people.  We can also send each other private messages.

When we are online, we need to treat each other like we would face to face.  We need to remember this rule if we use other methods of online communicate outside school.

To Have Fun

We can also use the internet to have fun.  On the internet, we can look at pictures, watch videos, listen to music, and play games.  We can do some of these things on Wizkid, but there are lots of other websites we can visit as well.


Staying Safe

The internet is a fantastic resource for enquiry, communication and fun.  Sometimes, however, the internet can get in the way of these things.  We need to remember these simple rules so that our use of the internet isn’t spoiled.

Zip It

When you’re online, always keep your personal stuff private and think about what you say and do.  Remember that people online may not be who they say they are. Online friends are still strangers even if you have been talking to them for a long time.


Don’t share personal information with people online. This includes:

  • your full name
  • photos
  • addresses
  • school information
  • telephone numbers
  • places you like to spend time


When you use chat rooms or instant messenger, use a nickname instead of your

real name.


When you are using bwjsapps, you will always know for sure who you are communicating with.  However, you should still follow these rules.  If you need to share personal information with a friend, do it face to face.  Don’t share your username or password with other people.

Block It

Think about blocking people who send you nasty messages and don’t open unknown links and attachments.


Always delete emails from people you don’t know, and don’t open attachments from people you don’t know. They might be nasty or contain a virus that can stop your computer working.


If someone is mean or sends nasty messages online, block them.


When we use the internet in school, we shouldn’t be able to see anything upsetting.  If you see anything you think isn’t right, let your teacher know straight away.

Flag It

If you see anything that upsets you online or if someone asks to meet you, flag it up with someone you trust.


If you see something on Wizkid that upsets you, let your teacher know straight away.  They will be able to find the information and deal with the problem.


If you see something on another website, tell a parent or an adult you trust and they can help you. If you want to talk to someone else, you can call Childline on 0800 1111.


If someone you know is being nasty to someone online, speak to a parent or trusted adult about it.


If a friend you have made online asks to meet you in the offline world, talk to your parents or a trusted adult about it. You should never meet up with someone you have met online without an adult going with you because it is dangerous.


If you ever need further advice on Internet Safety, or you have a problem outside school to report, click the CEOP button.

Every year, we talk through issues of E-Safety with our children, and we ask them to sign our Internet Acceptable Use policy.  This policy can be read here.  A fuller version which covers more general ICT use can be read here.


We also have a comprehensive E-Safety policy in place which covers all aspects of the topic.  This can be read here.


If you want to know more about social media, we have a guide which you can download here.   

Online safety help and advice

(Supplied by Hampshire Constabulary)


There are many websites offering information and support on internet safety, both for young people and adults. Here are some of them:

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre
CEOP is the UK's national police agency for protecting young people online. You can get help and advice on a range of subjects and can report directly to CEOP if you are worried about someone's behaviour towards you online.  

Think U Know
Thinkuknow is run by CEOP and has information for young people between the ages of 5 and 16, parents and resources for professionals to teach internet safety.

Advice for parents, professionals and young people on the signs of sexual exploitation and how to keep safe.

A site from Childnet International with all sorts of information about being smart online.

Chat Danger
This site explains how to stay safe in different forms of online chat, including mobiles, internet messenger and gaming.

Get Safe Online
A site explaining the basics of safe surfing, including how to protect your PC and avoiding internet crime.  

The Internet Watch Foundation
The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) operates the UK Internet Hotline for the public to report criminal online content in a secure and confidential way. The Hotline service can be used anonymously.  

Information and advice in relation to parental control software.

Other support

ChildLine is the free helpline and online service for children and young people in the UK. Children and young people can call 0800 1111 or visit to talk to a trained counsellor about any problem, or talk to other young people on the message boards.   

CyberMentors is all about young people helping and supporting each other online. If you're being bullied or are troubled by something, CyberMentors is where you can go for help.


We use the internet in lots of different ways.

To Enquire

We use the internet to find things out, and to learn new things.  Sometimes, we are told where to look for information.  We might go to a particular website, or we might visit bwjsapps, our online collection of tools.  On bwjsapps, we can find activities and information provided by our teachers.  This helps us learn more about the work we are doing in school.  

To Communicate

We can also use the internet to communicate with others.  In school, we can do this through bwjsapps.  In bwjsapps, we can take part in discussions and chats with other people.  We can also send each other private messages.

When we are online, we need to treat each other like we would face to face.  We need to remember this rule if we use other methods of online communicate outside school.

To Have Fun

We can also use the internet to have fun.  On the internet, we can look at pictures, watch videos, listen to music, and play games.  We can do some of these things on Wizkid, but there are lots of other websites we can visit as well.


Staying Safe

The internet is a fantastic resource for enquiry, communication and fun.  Sometimes, however, the internet can get in the way of these things.  We need to remember these simple rules so that our use of the internet isn’t spoiled.

Zip It

When you’re online, always keep your personal stuff private and think about what you say and do.  Remember that people online may not be who they say they are. Online friends are still strangers even if you have been talking to them for a long time.


Don’t share personal information with people online. This includes:

  • your full name
  • photos
  • addresses
  • school information
  • telephone numbers
  • places you like to spend time


When you use chat rooms or instant messenger, use a nickname instead of your

real name.


When you are using bwjsapps, you will always know for sure who you are communicating with.  However, you should still follow these rules.  If you need to share personal information with a friend, do it face to face.  Don’t share your username or password with other people.

Block It

Think about blocking people who send you nasty messages and don’t open unknown links and attachments.


Always delete emails from people you don’t know, and don’t open attachments from people you don’t know. They might be nasty or contain a virus that can stop your computer working.


If someone is mean or sends nasty messages online, block them.


When we use the internet in school, we shouldn’t be able to see anything upsetting.  If you see anything you think isn’t right, let your teacher know straight away.

Flag It

If you see anything that upsets you online or if someone asks to meet you, flag it up with someone you trust.


If you see something on Wizkid that upsets you, let your teacher know straight away.  They will be able to find the information and deal with the problem.


If you see something on another website, tell a parent or an adult you trust and they can help you. If you want to talk to someone else, you can call Childline on 0800 1111.


If someone you know is being nasty to someone online, speak to a parent or trusted adult about it.


If a friend you have made online asks to meet you in the offline world, talk to your parents or a trusted adult about it. You should never meet up with someone you have met online without an adult going with you because it is dangerous.


If you ever need further advice on Internet Safety, or you have a problem outside school to report, click the CEOP button.

Every year, we talk through issues of E-Safety with our children, and we ask them to sign our Internet Acceptable Use policy.  This policy can be read here.  A fuller version which covers more general ICT use can be read here.


We also have a comprehensive E-Safety policy in place which covers all aspects of the topic.  This can be read here.


If you want to know more about social media, we have a guide which you can download here.   

Online safety help and advice

(Supplied by Hampshire Constabulary)


There are many websites offering information and support on internet safety, both for young people and adults. Here are some of them:

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre
CEOP is the UK's national police agency for protecting young people online. You can get help and advice on a range of subjects and can report directly to CEOP if you are worried about someone's behaviour towards you online.  

Think U Know
Thinkuknow is run by CEOP and has information for young people between the ages of 5 and 16, parents and resources for professionals to teach internet safety.

Advice for parents, professionals and young people on the signs of sexual exploitation and how to keep safe.

A site from Childnet International with all sorts of information about being smart online.

Chat Danger
This site explains how to stay safe in different forms of online chat, including mobiles, internet messenger and gaming.

Get Safe Online
A site explaining the basics of safe surfing, including how to protect your PC and avoiding internet crime.  

The Internet Watch Foundation
The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) operates the UK Internet Hotline for the public to report criminal online content in a secure and confidential way. The Hotline service can be used anonymously.  

Information and advice in relation to parental control software.

Other support

ChildLine is the free helpline and online service for children and young people in the UK. Children and young people can call 0800 1111 or visit to talk to a trained counsellor about any problem, or talk to other young people on the message boards.   

CyberMentors is all about young people helping and supporting each other online. If you're being bullied or are troubled by something, CyberMentors is where you can go for help.