Facebook Guidance

At Bishop’s Waltham Junior School, we have worked hard over the last few years to find ways of keeping you informed of all our school news.  Earlier this academic year, we shifted our website’s ‘news’ page to a blog.  This offered two significant advantages over the previous page.  Firstly, it enabled people to respond to items posted, and offer comments about things they had done, or seen done within the school.  Secondly, it allowed people to follow our news more easily and in a greater variety of ways.


There are now many ways to keep up to date with the news on our school blog, beyond simply visiting on a regular basis.


  1. You can register your e-mail address with the blog and be notified whenever a new item is posted.
  2. You can subscribe to the blog’s RSS feed and keep track of it in an RSS Reader on your desktop or through a service such as Google.
  3. You can subscribe to our Twitter feed which automatically updates as the blog is updated.


We are now, on a trial basis, adding another method with our very own facebook page.  The link to this page will soon appear on our website.  People with a facebook account may choose to ‘like’ our page – this will cause our news headlines to appear in their newsfeed, making it easier than ever to keep up to date with our events.


We have given a great deal of thought as to how this service should be run, and there are a number of points we would like to make clear.


  1. The facebook page is intended for use by adults, and not be children.  Facebook’s own terms of use prohibit children under 13 from having a facebook account.  Our school page will be restricted to users over the age of 18 in order to support this.  We do not endorse children having their own facebook accounts, and we will block their access to the page if necessary.
  2. Content on the facebook page will be controlled very tightly.  Facebook users will not be able to write on the school wall, or upload photos or any other media to the page.  The page will automatically update to show headlines from the blog.  To read the story, people will need to follow the links back to the blog.  Children’s names, details, photos, etc, will never appear on the facebook page.
  3. Members of school staff will be able to follow the page, though they will be under no obligation to do so.  Staff will not use facebook as a communication tool to parents, however, so please continue to make contact with school staff according to current methods.  Staff will not use facebook to contact parents.


Staff and school governors will continuously review the effectiveness of this service.  We hope it will be of benefit to those who choose to use it.